Our Datacenters Worldwide


Ecritel’s ten datacenters are located in world-class facilities operated by Digital Realty, telx, Cologix, Global Switch and others worldwide. They all maintain the highest certifications in compliance and security.

Points of presence

Ecritel’s fifteen Points of Presence (POPs) are strategically located in major carrier hotels around the world. These POPs contain many of our connections to our various Peering Points and Transit Operators.

International Offices

Ecritel has also set up its offices in the same major cities across the globe.

  • são paulo, BRASIL
  • montreal, CANADA
  • toronto, CANADA
  • Nova YORK, USA
  • paris, frança
  • Shangai, china
  • hong kong, CHINa
  • Moscou, rússia

Content Delivery Network

Ecritel’s Content Acceleration Solution leverages a multi-vendor approach with 30,000 servers distributed across four major Content Delivery Network operators throughout Europe, North America, South America and Asia.

Our Network

Ecritel maintains its own network. We operate a multi-homed Autonomous System on the Internet, AS8304, with over 300 Peering Agreements. Peering Agreements are direct interconnections allowing a transfer of data, bypassing Internet Service Providers (ISPs). We exchange data directly with major market players such as Google, Amazon, Akamai and EdgeCast.
Ecritel also leverages multiple international transit operators; Level3, TATA, Cogent, Opentransit to offer you a fast, high-quality, worldwide network. Level3TATACogentOpentransit para te oferecer uma rede global rápida de alta qualidade.


Over 300 peering agreements

5 connection points by our international suppliers

More than 65% of traffic processed live via our peering points

Network dimensioned at 74 Gigabits per second​

Private peering with France Telecom Orange (AS5515) and Free
